sarah margaret girl


And a happy new year!

I have always wanted to feel ready for the new year. You know, excited and inspired. Energized. It has always seemed like nothing new. This year feels different! Exciting and new! Open, ready and full of all the possibilities.

I am fell happy. I am feeling ready for this. I am really happy living on the farm, but I want more. I want order out of chaos. I want systems. I want more creative time. I want to feel stronger. I want easy. I am thinking more and more about FARNEWT. A word I made up to remind me what was important. Festive, Authentic, Radiant, Nourished, Ease, Whimsical, and Thriving. A few years ago, I came up with it. I had to pick two words on how I wanted to feel. Being me, I went with seven words…

Festive. I want more celebrations, more joy, and cheer.

Authentic. I want to be more genuine, accurate, and true.

Radiant. I want more shine, love, and health.

Nourished. I want more contentment, sustenance and nurturing.

Ease. I want more peace, calm, and order.

Whimsical. I want to be more playful, excitable, and mischievous.

Thriving. I want more flourish, to prosper, and grow vigorously.

I want these words to be my life. I want this to be how I feel every day. I am excited to embrace them again. To open myself up to fun and happiness. To grow and evolve. I feel the energy of this last New Moon of 2019. I am ready for more. I am not entirely sure what it will look like, but it will be cool!

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